
Showing posts from September, 2019

Use a GOOD compression software!

Our down-loadable files are in zip format. Using a GOOD compression software is essential to the success of using our software. Many compression softwares do not read the HEADER of the compressed file and can corrupt the file during the de-compression process. 7ZIP has been used by programmers for years. 7ZIP is highly recommended. See for more information. Having problems loading your meter? Are you using Windows 10? Read this. This is not a problem with the meter. Windows 10 can corrupt or abort files without warning. This has become a problem for loading files to meters, USB drives and other devices. Overcome this problem by using any other Windows OS. Note: Some users have reported success with Windows 10 by using it in the SAFE mode. Need more information? Search Windows 10 USB Problems


Free Satellite / Transponder List If you find this list of use please donate if possible. Thanks to generous donations our world wide list continues. Thanks to all who have donated. Feel free to download our Satellite / Transponder list. This is a reference list (not to be loaded into any meter), download to your PC, laptop, smartphone, etc and carry this reference list with you. Sat / TP List Details Satellites: 257 Transponders: 7175 DVB-S2: 4405 DVB-S: 2770 Vertical Polarity: 3042 Horizontal Polarity: 3104 RH Polarity: 501 LH Polarity: 528 Pages: 137 Size: 318.9kB This list contains: C-band Ku-band Ka-band - as a reminder, most meters, receivers, and LNBs in use will not do Ka band. Active and inactive transponders We are providing the list in three locations. If you find this list of use please donate if possible. Download the LIST from IVY STONE PLACE Download the LIST from BOX Download the LIST from MEGA You really only need 2 transponders pe...